Donations & Charity Work

One of the main reasons River of Colors (RoC) Handmade Jewelry LLC was created was due to my personal passion for contributing to our community & being able to draw a smile on someone else’s face. To me, that’s what life is about; to help & lift each other up! Moreover, I have had the opportunity of meeting amazing people throughout my life who had supported me unconditionally without expecting anything back & I would like to “pay it forward”!

The idea is that every 3-4 months, up to 10% of profits will be donated to a non-profit organization in the U.S or used for charity work around my community (Atlanta, GA). If you have any ideas of charity work or are passionate about a particular cause & would like us to donate to a specific non-profit, feel free to either comment on a post, DM us on Instagram or TikTok or email us (@riverofcolorshandmade; [email protected]).

Muchas Gracias for being here, for your contribution, & for your support! Together we’ll be able to hopefully bring a bit of light into someone’s life!